
The intellectual property of the web site is in quotes; my comments are not.
"It is estimated that one billion people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition. That's roughly 100 times as many as those who actually die from these causes each year."
"About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes."
"Famine and wars cause about 10% of hunger deaths, although these tend to be the ones you hear about most often."
"The majority of hunger deaths are caused by chronic malnutrition. Families facing extreme poverty are simply unable to get enough food to eat."
"Please remember to click every day to give help and hope to those with nowhere to turn. Every click counts in the life of a hungry person."
In these places 99% of the populus do not have:
Epstein Barr Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue god damned Syndrome
Clean water
Curiousity about "celebrities"
Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome
Machines that wash clothing
Machines that wash dishes
Air Conditionining
Munchausen Syndrome
The USA is wealthy enough to have every "thing" yet we are fraught with infirmities.
The people in the poor countries do not have the comfort of having these pains. Rather, they have pains that require comfort. The next time you feel disappointed about something in your life, think about that. You have food.
If you have not already done so, please buy, and read:
"The Progress Paradox : How Life Gets Better While People Feel Worse"
by Gregg Easterbrook
The average person in the USA buys 52 items of clothing per annum. In Bangladesh, when it is the busy season, they work 20 hours per day and sleep under their work station for the remaining four hours or so and begin again. They do not have days off. That is why your clothing is so cheap.
Consider them as people. After all, they are. Look at the tags on your clothes, that you are wearing, right now. I cannot say I have done all I can to fix this, but I want to try. Don't you? It does not seem like a bad idea.
OK, off the soap box.
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