City of Golden Friendship
These are the words of one of the mayors of Cagayan de Oro city. It is on a plaque underneath his statue. His name was Justiniano Borja. I am told by Lorna that he was a good man and cared very much for all of the people. I believe her.
Life is a gift, and what a gift is is! I have learned that the more you give of yourself, the more you have the gift of life; that he who forgets self and gives all that he is entirely and devotedly to something or somebody; and he who lives for justice and truth without caring for the consequences receives a thousand times more than he gives.
I have learned that the only immortality, the enduring and permanent things in a transient world, are truth, honor, decency and courage; and those who build their lives upon these intangibles of the spirit build upon foundations that can never be shaken by any force on earth.
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